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The cause of facial swelling

Minor facial swelling in the morning that quickly subsides is considered normal by doctors. Swelling occurs because lymph circulates constantly in the intercellular structures of the human body. During sleep at night, the body is at rest, and lymph moves through the body solely due to muscle contractions.

Swelling mostly occurs in two areas: the nasolabial triangle and the lower eyelids. Women are most often affected, as the appearance of swelling is closely associated with the menstrual cycle.

Facial swelling can occur for many reasons. The most common ones are physiological:

Unbalanced diet. Fried, canned, salty food, fast food, and large quantities of carbonated drinks can cause morning puffiness. The daily salt intake should not exceed 5 grams.
Strict diets. Facial swelling often occurs due to a lack of protein in the body. This disrupts the water-salt balance, causing excess fluid to remain in the tissues. In addition to facial swelling, the feet may also swell, and by midday, a feeling of heaviness may be felt in the legs.

Water balance disturbance. Due to insufficient water intake throughout the day, fluid is also retained in the tissues, leading to morning swelling.
Lack of or poor quality sleep can also cause facial swelling. The body does not have time to recover and produce the necessary hormones, resulting in inadequate fluid removal from the body.

Sedentary lifestyle. If a person spends most of the day in a seated position and has an unbalanced diet, lymph stagnation occurs, which can lead to morning swelling. Lymph performs a drainage function – removing excess fluid from the tissues and redirecting it into the bloodstream. The normal intralymphatic pressure is 2-10 mmHg. If lymph flow is disrupted, proteins, metabolic products, and fluid accumulate between cells, causing swelling.

Excessive physical exertion. Normal lymph outflow can also be disrupted due to injuries, muscle spasms, and vessel compression.

Chronic stress. Regular stressful situations lead to the production of cortisol. An excess of cortisol leads to the appearance of fat deposits (waist, chest, upper back, arms), and consequently, facial swelling.

Hormonal changes in women. Such swelling is considered normal and is observed in some women during PMS, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause when the body begins to undergo changes.

Causes of facial swelling may also include problems with the thyroid gland, nose, kidney diseases, and cardiovascular system.

Additionally, the cause of localized swelling around the eyes may be an anatomical feature of the patient (malar bags, orbital hernias). To exclude the presence of somatic pathologies, undergo a medical examination.

Moreover, improperly selected skincare, the components of which may cause allergies, as well as cosmetic procedures (injections, topical products, peels, etc.), can provoke swelling. In this case, the swelling lasts only a few days without significant discomfort.

How to reduce facial swelling?

Modern cosmetology quickly and for a longer period solves the problem of facial swelling. Home methods (cold fabric masks, patches, massage) only provide short-term relief.

At the "LeoDerm" medical center, you can get rid of facial swelling through three procedures: Endolift lifting, SMAS lifting Ulthera therapy, microcurrent therapy, micro-needle radiofrequency lifting on the Morpheus 8 device.

Endolift Lifting

The hardware cosmetology procedure of Endolift lifting rejuvenates, tightens the skin, and removes bags in the area around the eyes using laser radiation.

How does the procedure work? A thin fiber optic tip is inserted under the patient's skin. As a result of the laser's influence, there is a contraction of collagen fibers in the deeper layers of the dermis, stimulation of the production of new collagen, and a decrease in the thickness of adipose tissue.

Endolift Lifting has several significant advantages:

  • Suitable for patients with different skin types;
  • Completely safe, performed without any incisions, does not traumatize the skin;
  • Cumulative effect, skin rejuvenation;
  • No age or seasonal limitations.

The desired effect won't make you wait long. Sometimes, one session is enough to completely eliminate facial swelling and see an improvement in the skin condition. The price starts from 19,500 UAH.

SMAS lifting Ulthera therapy is a non-surgical facial skin tightening procedure using a modern ultrasound device that penetrates into the layers of the epidermis up to 4.5 mm (traditional lifting - max. 1.5 mm). This allows for easy elimination of facial swelling and achieving rejuvenation.

The specificity of Ulthera lifting is the painlessness of the procedure. Narrow-focused ultrasound waves heat the superficial layers of the skin, penetrating into the muscular-aneurysmal layer. Their influence initiates the process of collagen and elastin synthesis. The tissues contract, and the restoration process begins.

The specialist adjusts the depth of penetration of the ultrasound waves under the dermis. Heating is pinpoint (only on problem areas of the facial skin).

The advantages of the procedure are:

  • effective tightening without surgery;
  • speed of execution;
  • cumulative effect;
  • possibility of implementation regardless of the season;
  • lack of rehabilitation period.

The effect of SMAS lifting Ulthera therapy is noticeable after the first visit to the cosmetologist. To maintain the result, the procedure can be repeated after 6 months. Cost - from 7,500 UAH.

Microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy (microcurrents, microcurrents) is a non-surgical procedure that involves the action of low-amplitude and frequency currents on the skin.

Electric impulses penetrate soft tissues, initiating cell regeneration, improving metabolic processes, lymphatic and blood circulation. Microcurrent therapy "works" at different levels: epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous adipose tissue, vessels. The procedure normalizes the functioning of facial muscles, improves tone through the activation of collagen and elastin production.

The specialists at the "LeoDerm" clinic perform microcurrent facial therapy using the Zero Peel and Aquapure devices. Unpleasant sensations during the session are practically absent.

In addition to reducing facial swelling, the application of microcurrents can achieve noticeable tightening, rejuvenation of the facial skin, pore tightening, and more. To see maximum results, it is recommended to undergo a full course. Its duration will be determined by the doctor. Price starts from 500 UAH.

How to quickly and effectively reduce facial swelling is well known to the specialists at "LeoDerm." You can schedule a consultation by calling the phone numbers listed on the website's homepage. We guarantee full safety and quality during the procedure. See you soon!

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.