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Is laser hair removal harmful?

Laser hair removal of any part of the body is absolutely safe!  There are many myths surrounding laser hair removal: that it can cause burns, negatively affect the skin and even internal organs.  None of these claims have any real basis. Modern ultra-precise lasers act only on the hair follicle, without damaging the surrounding skin , so they cannot cause burns or other skin damage. The penetration depth of the laser is only 1-4 mm and its action is completely directed at the melanin contained in the hair, so laser hair removal cannot affect the internal organs in any way.


What is the result after the first laser hair removal?

We would like to point out right away that it is impossible to get perfectly smooth skin after the first session of laser hair removal.  The thing is that hair on the body grows unevenly and not at the same time, which is why the laser can destroy up to 30% of active hair follicles in one session.  After laser hair removal, hairs die off gradually.  They grow completely and, not receiving nutrition from the hair bulb, fall out.

That is why it will be possible to see and evaluate the effect of the first laser hair removal procedure after 2-3 weeks, when the dead hairs have already fallen out and those that were in the dormant follicles have not yet grown back.


Are there burns after laser hair removal?

Provided the device for laser hair removal is used correctly, thermal burns are absolutely excluded!  That is why the laser hair removal should be performed by a cosmetologist with appropriate education.  The second important factor is the patient's compliance with the conditions of preparation for the session.  For example, a fresh tan can cause additional thermal injury to the skin. Besides, cosmetologists note that it is necessary to refrain from visiting the solarium or resting in the sun during the next 2 weeks after the procedure and 2 weeks before, as the skin remains sensitive.

 It is also worth noting that modern laser hair removal devices have an additional skin cooling system, which is aimed specifically at preventing possible burns.


How effective is laser hair removal?

After completing a full course of laser hair removal, the result will last for several years.  Then the hair will most likely appear again, but the hairs will be much lighter and thinner, and in a much smaller amount - approximately 40% of the initial volume.  The duration depends on your state of health, individual characteristics of hair growth and, to a large extent, on changes in the hormonal background.  The re-appearance of hair can be affected by treatment with certain drugs, pregnancy, endocrine diseases.

 After the main course of 8-15 procedures (the number of sessions is always selected individually), cosmetologists offer repeated laser treatment after the appearance of new hair once every 6-12 months, depending on the need.

Can laser hair removal be done during menstruation?

Menstruation is not a contraindication for laser hair removal.  In fact, everything depends solely on how a woman endures critical days and whether they bring her severe discomfort.  It is also worth considering that in many women during menstruation, the sensitivity of the skin increases and the pain threshold decreases.  That is why we advise you to discuss this issue with a cosmetologist before conducting a laser hair removal.

At what age can laser hair removal be done?

In the "LeoDerm" clinic, laser hair removal is performed for clients who are over 18 years old.  There are no medical contraindications for the procedure at an earlier age, so if you are underage but want to undergo a course of laser hair removal, written consent from your parents or guardians is required.

Is laser hair removal possible during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding belong to the list of temporary contraindications for laser hair removal.  Although no negative effects of the laser on the body have been detected, doctors recommend that pregnant women refrain from additional loads and extraneous influences.

Is it possible to shave hair after laser hair removal?

In fact, a good old razor is the only recommended way to deal with ingrown hairs after laser hair removal.  Cosmetologists categorically forbid the use of a depilator, waxing or sugaring between sessions.  It can injure the skin.

Please note that hairs left on the body after laser treatment do not need to be removed.  After a while, they will fall out by themselves.

Do you need to shave before laser hair removal?

In order for laser hair removal to be as productive as possible and to remove more hair in one session, you need to shave the affected area.  It is necessary to shave the affected area at least 6-12 hours before the procedure, at most - a day before the procedure.

When does hair fall out after laser hair removal?

Regardless of the type of laser, hairs do not fall out immediately after laser hair removal  This is related to physiology, so it is wrong to expect that the hair will disappear immediately after the procedure.  In different parts of the body, the shedding period is different: in the bikini area, it is an average of 2-3 weeks, on the hands, 10-15 days, if the hair cover was not too thick. Also consider that one session removes up to 30% of active hair follicles, which is why laser hair removal is performed in a course of 8-15 procedures.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

It would be wrong to call laser hair removal completely painless.  You will feel slight discomfort - a slight tingling or heartburn.  However, the unpleasant sensations are much weaker compared to waxing or sugaring.  In addition, if you have a low pain threshold or very sensitive skin, gel anesthetic is used during laser hair removal at the LeoDerm clinic.

Why can't you sunbathe before laser hair removal?

The first and main rule of combining tanning and laser is not to tan 72 hours before the procedure. Previously, dark skin was considered, if not a contraindication, then a significant limitation for laser hair removal.  The fact is that dark skin itself contains a lot of melanin, and laser hair removal is based on heating this pigment in the hair follicle and, as a result, destroying it.  When treating tanned skin, a significant part of the energy goes not to the hair, but to the skin.  Accordingly, the procedure becomes less effective, and the risk of burns increases. But even if you have a light skin tone, after a good dose of ultraviolet radiation in the dermis, melanin formation processes are active, and additional light exposure from the laser can lead to significant damage.

Laser hair removal and birthmarks

Birthmarks are not a contraindication for laser hair removal.  Nevi in ​​the affected area are drawn with a special pencil or simply bypassed during laser skin treatment.

Besides, regardless of undergoing a course of laser hair removal, dermatologists recommend checking the condition of your moles once a year using digital dermatoscopy.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.