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Contraindications for peeling

Mechanical, chemical, laser – modern cosmetology offers many types of peeling. They are selected by a cosmetologist after consultation, according to the client's requests and the condition of their skin. Despite the fact that each type works at different levels (superficial, medium, deep), they have similar contraindications.

Peeling is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Skin hypersensitivity;
  • Pregnancy, lactation period;
  • Skin diseases, including infectious ones (herpes, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.);
  • Presence of inflammations (acne requiring prior treatment, etc.);
  • Keloid scars;
  • Presence of open wounds, burns on the face;
  • Acute stage of a cold;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Allergic reaction to peeling components;
  • Epilation (except if more than a week has passed since its completion);
  • Large number of moles;
  • Taking certain types of pills.

Certain types of peeling have additional contraindications. For example, chemical peeling is prohibited in cases of severe heart defects, ischemic disease, etc.

What skin reactions after peeling are considered normal?

Facial peeling is a procedure that involves controlled damage to the skin. This stimulates cell growth and removes dead particles, aiming for complete or partial dermal renewal. Like any other cosmetic procedure, peeling has side effects. Let's try to understand which of them are considered normal and what to do to simplify the rehabilitation stage after the procedure.

Normal body reactions to peeling include:

  • Mild discomfort. Slight pain after the session lasting up to 12 hours is normal. Ice packs can be used to relieve symptoms.
  • Mild burning. In the first 2-3 days, this is a completely natural reaction. If the patient experiences intense itching or burning, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  • Skin peeling. It is normal and indicates that the cell regeneration process has started. Peeling can last 7-10 days until the entire horny layer is removed. With superficial impact, the process will last up to 2 days. Moisturizing (thermal water) can help reduce discomfort.
  • Swelling. It usually appears 1-3 days after the session and disappears quite quickly.
  • Moderate level of redness. It lasts from a few hours (superficial) to 7 days (deep peeling). Moisturizing skincare products can help alleviate this symptom.

Top questions about peeling for "LeoDerm" specialists

Our clients have many questions about the peeling procedure. Below, we have gathered the most common ones and provided comprehensive answers.

The skin is peeling heavily after peeling, causing discomfort. What should I do?

To reduce discomfort during peeling, we recommend carefully caring for your face, specifically:

  • Apply moisturizer frequently, as recommended by the doctor.
  • Use sunscreen during the day.

Additionally, it is strictly prohibited to peel off the dead skin cells yourself to avoid tissue scarring.

When is the best time to do peeling?

Cosmetologists recommend doing peeling procedures during the cold seasons when sunlight activity is low. This way, you can avoid unwanted pigmentation, which may occur due to the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, and overall, the recovery process will be smoother.

What should not be done after facial peeling?

For several days, and preferably until the skin is fully recovered, it is advisable to avoid visiting saunas, steam rooms, and limit physical exertion. During this period, there is active blood flow to the face, and additional steaming or excessive activity can cause severe redness and burning of the skin. Additionally, it is recommended to restrict the use of skincare products with abrasive particles (peeling, scrub, enzymatic powder, etc.), and refrain from applying makeup in the first few days.

Facial peeling: before and after? How does the skin look?

The procedure tightens pores and gives the skin a healthy and radiant appearance.

What do dermatologists recommend after a peeling session?

After the procedure, experts advise washing with clean cold water, drinking plenty of fluids, and using fatty creams to alleviate discomfort. In case of burning or redness, treat the face with moisturizing and soothing skincare products. To protect the skin from UV exposure, it is advisable to apply SPF with a sun protection factor of 30 and above.

Can chemical peeling be done during pregnancy?

No, during pregnancy and lactation, doctors recommend abstaining from any type of peeling procedure. During this period, the skin takes much longer to heal, and in the worst case scenario, complications such as breakouts may occur.

What's better – peeling or facial cleansing?

Facial cleansing only removes blackheads and breakouts. Peeling works on a deeper level, tightening pores, giving the face a healthy look, and it also has a cumulative effect.

When can you wash your face after peeling?

It is not recommended to wash your face on the first day, on the second day, you can use gentle cleansing products.

Will peeling help very dry skin?

Yes, exfoliating dead cells is important, but in this case, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to select the right type of peeling. Most often, in such cases, the most gentle types are used, such as enzymatic peeling.

After a milk peel, the skin does not peel off – is this normal or was the procedure performed incorrectly?

Milk peeling is quite gentle compared to other types. The reason for the lack of active skin peeling may be that the skin is in good condition, not prone to breakouts, and capable of self-renewal. Thus, the peeling will only help improve its condition and give the face a radiant look.

Can peeling be done at home?

If the client does not have serious skin conditions and consults with a dermatologist beforehand, and together they select the best product, peeling can be done at home. In other cases, we recommend visiting professionals to avoid unwanted consequences.

How often can peeling be done?

It all depends on the type of procedure and the individual characteristics of the patient's facial skin. We can only give approximate terms: superficial – 4-5 procedures every 10-14 days, medium – once every few months, deep – once a year.

You can undergo a course of facial peeling at the "LeoDerm" medical center. Appointments for consultation can be made by calling the phone numbers on the main page of the website. There is also a "Book Now" button available. Welcome! We guarantee only the best conditions for our patients.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.