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Why does it occur?

Traction alopecia is a type of traumatic alopecia resulting from hair loss due to prolonged and repeated pulling of the hair. Clinically, the frontal and temporal areas are affected, but there are cases of damage to other areas, depending on the habit of styling hair outside the hairline. 
The risk of developing traction alopecia can also arise from hairpins, nylon threads that are woven into the hair and pull it, hair extensions - that is, any methods that cause traction (pulling) of the hair.

You can suspect traction alopecia in the early stages if you have the following complaints: burning scalp, itching, redness, crusting and as a result - hair loss. The process progresses if the main triggering factor is not removed, and this can lead to irreversible hair loss in areas that are more exposed to physical pressure.


Treatment of traction alopecia involves stopping the triggering factor, stimulating the growth of hair that is less affected, or hair transplantation in case of irreversible progression. 
Prevention is very important in girls and includes teaching parents not to make tight hairstyles, and prevention for adults is changing hairstyles and giving preference to those hairstyles that do not pull hair.


Author: Lika-cosmetologist, trichologist Ivanna Mikhashula



The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.