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Spider veins on the legs are common in most adults because genetic predisposition is the primary cause of this condition. Gender is also a contributing factor: it is predominantly diagnosed in women during mature and older age. Before the age of 30, they are detected in 8% of cases, by the age of 50 in 41%, and by the age of 70 in 72%. The most frequent sites of localization are the popliteal fossa, the middle third of the outer thigh, and the anterior and outer surfaces of the shin. For most patients, the condition manifests solely as a cosmetic defect. Only a few experience sensations of heaviness, a feeling of fullness, and swelling in the lower limbs.

Spider veins can be of various colors: red, blue, dark purple. They are formed by superficial capillary loops, can be single or multiple, localized or widespread, and differ in shape, size, location, and color.

Red fine spider veins on the legs, which do not protrude above the skin surface, usually develop from capillaries and arterioles. Blue wider capillary networks on the skin often protrude above the skin surface and typically form from venules. Sometimes there is a transformation in the appearance of capillaries due to the "back-up" of venous blood in them and increased pressure.

There are many classifications of spider veins on the skin. In clinical practice, a convenient classification divides them into 4 types:

  • simple or linear (sinusoidal);
  • arborizing (tree-like);
  • spider or spider-web-like;
  • stellate or pantiform (star-shaped).

Red linear spider veins often appear on the face, especially on the skin of the nose and cheeks (rosacea). Enlarged capillaries on the legs commonly manifest as red and blue linear or tree-like capillaries. Spider-like veins have a red coloration because they consist of a central arteriole from which numerous dilated capillaries radiate outward in a radial pattern.

Causes of spider veins on the face and legs

The causes of spider veins include:

  • hormonal disorders of various etiologies;
  • impaired venous blood flow in the lower extremities.

Hormonal influences on the development of spider veins on the legs are a clinically proven fact. The main hormonal risk factor for vascular dilation is estrogen: in one-third of women, the first dilated vessels appear during pregnancy, when there are persistent hormonal imbalances. Sometimes, many of these vessels disappear 3-6 weeks after childbirth.

Such conditions can also be a sign of venous disease, indicating the need for thorough clinical and non-invasive studies in these patients.

Causes of rosacea:

  • endocrine system disorders (thyroid diseases);
  • liver diseases;
  • cardiovascular system pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • nutritional system disorders;
  • genetic predisposition.

In women, during pregnancy, menopause, and while taking hormonal medications, the risk of developing rosacea on the skin increases. Exposure to sunlight and sharp temperature changes (hypothermia and overheating) are also triggering factors.

How to get rid of spider veins on the legs and face?

The most effective methods for treating and removing spider veins on the legs are sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation, which are based on chemical reactions and electromagnetic radiation, respectively.

The use of lasers for removing spider veins on the legs is based on the theory of selective photothermolysis. It has been established that electromagnetic oscillations in the yellow-green spectrum are most absorbed by hemoglobin and to a lesser extent by other skin chromophores, such as melanin. Therefore, the yellow-green laser beam, penetrating the skin, is predominantly absorbed by the blood hemoglobin, converting into thermal energy that destroys the vessel walls. Thus, unlike sclerosing agents that directly act on the endothelial wall of the vessel, the laser effect acts indirectly through the heated blood inside the vessel. The end result in both cases is the adhesion of the damaged vessel walls. A significant advantage of laser coagulation compared to sclerotherapy is the non-invasive nature of the technique.

Preparation for the removal of rosacea includes several stages:

  • limiting exposure to external factors that provoke vascular dilation (minimizing alcohol and nicotine consumption, avoiding stressful situations and sharp temperature changes, and spicy food);
  • selecting skincare products: avoiding aggressive peels and abrasive components in cosmetics.

Laser coagulation of pathologically dilated capillaries on the face currently has no alternative, but the effectiveness of the procedure for eliminating vascular pathology in the lower extremities is not sufficiently high. Not all laser devices have a pronounced enough effect on leg vessels. This is explained by the characteristics of the vessels: they are larger and located deeper in the skin. For effective removal of leg vessels, laser devices with specific characteristics are required:

  • preset millisecond pulse duration;
  • high energy density of the pulse;
  • large diameter of the contact spot;
  • epidermal cooling function.

Currently, few laser device models possess such characteristics.

However, at the LeoDerm clinic, spider vein removal is performed using the modern Vbeam Perfecta pulsed laser. The treatment effect is visible immediately after the procedure, and the maximum result is achieved within a few weeks, provided the doctor's recommendations are strictly followed.

The Vbeam Perfecta pulsed laser does not leave scars. The procedure can be performed on both children and elderly individuals. Allergic reactions during or after the laser procedure are absent.

This laser is used for:

  • removing spider veins on the face;
  • removing visible blood vessels (capillaries) on the lower extremities;
  • treating dermatological conditions such as warts and psoriasis;
  • addressing skin aesthetic concerns such as scar and stretch mark removal.

To address rosacea or superficial fine blood vessels, sometimes one procedure is sufficient. However, to completely eliminate the condition, several sessions are typically needed, usually a course of 3-7 procedures spaced 3-4 weeks apart. The duration of the treatment course for removing spider veins on the nose or legs, as well as the number of sessions, is determined by the cosmetic doctor during the initial consultation.

LeoDerm Cosmetic Clinic offers a modern approach to removing spider veins on the face or body. Painless techniques allow for a quick resolution of the issue, and consultations with specialists will help implement effective preventive measures to avoid future vascular and skin pathologies. Schedule an appointment with a cosmetic doctor in Lviv for consultation and assessment of the possibility of treating this condition.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.