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Causes of a double chin

A double chin appears due to the accumulation of fat tissue, which causes sagging skin under the lower jaw. This significantly alters the face's oval shape and can cause considerable discomfort for the individual. Getting rid of a double chin is not difficult once its cause is known.
Among the main causes of a double chin are:

  • Bite pathologies;
  • Other issues related to the development of the chewing and speech apparatus;
  • The specifics of the structure of the lower part of the skull and the larynx contribute to the high likelihood of a double chin in individuals with a short neck or a large angle between the lower jaw and the neck. In men, a double chin might appear when the Adam's apple is positioned very low;
  • Unbalanced diet. Consuming a large amount of spicy, high-calorie food contributes to weight gain, triggering the appearance of swelling and a double chin;
  • Heredity. Genetic traits related to facial structure, metabolic specifics, and protein biosynthesis are passed down at the genetic level. Metabolism issues contribute to weight gain, and disruptions in the protein synthesis process slow down collagen regeneration, leading to the appearance of a double chin;
  • Posture problems. The habit of constantly slouching, holding the head downwards while walking or sitting, reduces the tone of the neck muscles. As a result, the aforementioned problem also arises;
  • Obesity, excess weight. Rapid weight gain, regardless of age, affects fat deposits, including those in the chin and neck areas;
  • Sudden weight loss. If body weight decreases rapidly, the skin all over the body starts to sag, and the chin area is no exception;
  • Changes in hormonal levels. They are directly related to rapid weight gain or loss;
  • Immune system issues (for example, changes in the thyroid gland function);
  • Incorrect choice of pillow. If a person often sleeps on a high pillow, over time, they might develop a double chin;
  • Age-related changes. Even if a patient takes care of their skin using properly selected skincare, it's impossible to stop the aging process. After the age of 35, the skin starts to sag, and the first signs of gravitational ptosis appear (natural slowing down of the production of elastin and collagen, leading to changes in the facial oval, downturned corners of the mouth, appearance of wrinkles, and a double chin).

How to get rid of a double chin?

Now that you know the reasons for the development of this cosmetic issue, you can prevent its appearance or reduce its manifestations. Of course, this process requires efforts and consultations with doctors who can rule out health problems or, if present, prescribe effective treatment. After that, you can visit a cosmetologist who, through the use of machine procedures, can quickly, safely, and effectively eliminate the double chin.
Let's talk about how to quickly get rid of a double chin. The most effective methods in this case are considered to be machine-based and injectable cosmetic procedures for the face and neck. They are selected based on the skin type, condition, and contraindications.
Similar machine-based procedures or injections for a double chin can remove excess fat deposits and help address issues such as asymmetry in the lower part of the face, a small or slanted chin, facial deformities resulting from injuries.
At the "LeoDerm" Medical Center, the issue of a double chin can be addressed through the following procedures:

SMAS lifting Ulthera therapy is a non-surgical neck and face lift performed with innovative ultrasound equipment called Ulthera therapy. It differs from traditional facelifts by targeting not only the skin and the superficial layer of fat tissue but also the deeper layers of the epidermis. The procedure is entirely painless. How does it work? Narrow-focused ultrasound triggers the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The ultrasound waves pass through the superficial layers of the skin to the muscle and fascial layers, heating them. The tissues contract, initiating the regeneration process. With SMAS lifting, not only can one eliminate double chin but also adjust specific areas of the face.
The procedure has several advantages:

  • It occurs quickly and painlessly (there might only be slight pricking, skin tightening, etc.);
  • It doesn't require rehabilitation;
  • It offers a long-lasting effect.

Fractional micro-needle RF lifting is a procedure conducted using micro-needle RF ampoules. How does it work? Under the influence of high temperatures, fibroblasts initiate a division process, synthesizing collagen and elastin, which help restore elasticity and freshness. During the procedure, the cosmetic doctor makes micro-punctures in the skin using a group of needles (the shaft is insulated, and the radiofrequency energy is focused only at the tip of the needle). Radio waves penetrate directly into the skin layers. When the needles penetrate to a specific depth, the reduction of the fat layer occurs.
The medical center "LeoDerm" uses the latest-generation Morpheus 8 attachment, produced by the Israeli company INMODE Aesthetic Solution, for performing this type of lifting. The attachment works at the subdermal level, allowing for the swift removal of double chins, reducing redness, and improving overall skin condition. The duration of the course is individually tailored by the specialist based on the complexity of the issue, and the price starts from 11,000 UAH.
Endolift lifting is a laser skin tightening procedure for the face, neck, and décolleté area. It allows for the removal of a double chin in a single session. During the lifting procedure, the doctor uses a thin optical fiber inserted under the patient's skin. The fiber, when stimulated by the laser, contracts the dermis, triggering collagen synthesis. This tightens and strengthens the skin of the face and neck, making it more elastic and improving its tone. Additionally, the laser reduces excess fat, thereby reducing the double chin.
Advantages of the procedure:

  • Quick results
  • Minimal recovery time
  • Speed of execution
  • Long-lasting results

The cost of Endolift lifting at the LeoDerm Medical Center starts from 26,000 UAH.
It's also worth mentioning beneficial habits that minimize the appearance of a double chin.
The first is a lifestyle change. To prevent the appearance of a double chin, adjusting your lifestyle is crucial. Undoubtedly, this is a lengthy and energy-consuming method, but it can significantly improve your health. What should you do? Choose the right pillow height (avoid overly high ones), stop reading or working regularly while lying down. Additionally, consider changing your diet to make it more balanced. We recommend consulting specialists, undergoing a complete body examination to rule out any illnesses that could cause a double chin.
The second method involves facial massage, facial gymnastics, and the use of specialized skin products and treatments. All of these can be performed at home, but it's not recommended to independently choose masks, creams, or compresses. It's better to seek help from a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Popular methods to address a double chin include massages and facial exercises; however, they are effective only in the early stages or for preventive purposes. It's not advisable to perform exercises on your own as there's a risk of developing ptosis.
Now you know how to get rid of a double chin using various methods, including cosmetic procedures involving equipment and injections. You can schedule a consultation with leading specialists at the "LeоDerm" clinic by calling the number provided on the main page of the website. All procedures at our medical center are performed using innovative equipment under strict sterility. We ensure excellent service and assistance in solving a wide range of health problems. We are happy to assist every patient! Take care of your health and consult with doctors in a timely manner.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.