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Types and Causes of Hair Loss

Each hair goes through three cyclic phases of development: active growth (anagen), cessation of growth and detachment from the follicle (catagen), and a pause before the next shedding (telogen). When this process is disrupted, hair begins to fall out faster than it can regenerate, leading to overall thinning or baldness.

What causes hair loss? In modern medicine, several reasons for hair loss have been identified. Hereditary hair loss can develop in both men and women. To slow down and stop this process, it's essential to consult a trichologist and begin treatment as early as possible. Additionally, as people age, their hair can become thinner and fall out because the follicles stop growing. Childbirth, stressful situations, and illnesses also have a negative impact on the condition of the hair.
There are several types:

  • Androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary condition that causes hair loss in a male or female pattern. In men, hair loss may begin above the temples, then spread to the crown and the entire lower part of the head. In women, alopecia is characterized by hair thinning without obvious signs of baldness;
  • telogen effluvium (diffuse hair loss) occurs when most follicles are in a resting state (telogen) and do not transition into the growth phase. This results in the loss of "old" hair across the entire scalp. If this process continues for more than 6 months, telogen effluvium is considered chronic;
  • anagen effluvium is rapid hair loss on the head resulting from the impact of potent medical drugs that block the formation of hair follicles all over the body;
  • alopecia areata (patchy) is an autoimmune type of condition characterized by the loss of hair in small areas, which can lead to complete baldness. With the development of patchy alopecia on the head, circular or oval-shaped bald patches appear;
  • scalp ringworm - a fungal infection affecting the skin that causes bald patches;
  • scarring alopecia - a relatively rare type of pathology where follicles are destroyed and scar tissue forms. Hair does not regrow in the affected area;
  • hair shaft abnormalities - hair loss due to thinning and weakening of the hair shaft.

Laboratory tests and other diagnostics

The trichologist conducts a medical examination and interviews the patient. Based on the examination, they prescribe a series of tests and analyses for further treatment of hair loss in women and men:

  • hormonal tests include checking prolactin, testosterone, DHEA-sulfate, luteinizing, and follicle-stimulating hormones;
  • thyroid gland levels involve T3, T4, TSH;
  • serum iron and serum ferritin deviations from the norm often lead to hair loss;
  • CBC stands for complete blood count;

It's worth emphasizing that the prescription of specific tests is entirely individual and depends entirely on the examination results and the professional opinion of the doctor.

Computer diagnostics (trichoscopy) allows for determining the condition of hair follicles, scalp, and obtaining a comprehensive clinical picture. Trichoscopy analyzes the structure of hair bulbs. This type of examination aims to determine the quantitative indicator of hair per 1 square centimeter of the scalp, assess the ratio of its quantity at different growth stages, the diameter of the hair, and the functioning of sebaceous glands.

Treatment for hair loss

The next step after examination and identifying the cause of hair loss is the treatment prescribed by a trichologist based on the obtained data. Modern medicine offers several effective methods of treatment:

  • plasmolifting involves injecting a serum derived from plasma-rich blood, enriched with red blood cells, minerals, and nutrients, under the scalp. The procedure is based on cell restoration through plasma obtained from the patient's venous blood. It not only stimulates hair growth by activating hair follicles but also restores its structure and normalizes the scalp's condition;
  • mesotherapy involves micro-injections of active components directly under the scalp. By stimulating the skin with mesococktails, it halts hair loss, restores its structure and density, and enhances hair growth;
  • Hair revitalization is based on the use of hyaluronic acid, which promotes scalp hair restoration and halts aging. Following a course of procedures, the overall condition of the hair improves, nourishment is restored, and hair growth is enhanced.

Quite often, male pattern baldness is associated with hormonal imbalance, specifically an increase in androgens. If necessary during the examination, the doctor may prescribe tests to check the androgen levels in the blood, and in case of deviations from the norm, hormone replacement therapy may be recommended. For treating hair loss in men, medicinal therapy is also used, including oral medications and lotions.

The suitability of using a particular method for treating hair loss is individually determined by the specialist based on the clinical picture and the results of the patient's examination.

Preventing hair loss at home

To improve hair condition, it's important to avoid tight hairstyles and using highly heated hair dryers for styling. Additionally, it's advisable not to overuse chemical treatments, especially when lightening hair. Doctors recommend selecting shampoos without sulfates as these can weaken the scalp's protective functions. A soft brush with natural fibers helps normalize hair oiliness, smoothes the cuticle, and conditions the hair.

For the prevention of hair loss, incorporate more vitamin and mineral-rich foods into your diet. Scalp massage aids hair growth stimulation and enhances blood circulation. Preventing loss can also involve proper washing and drying according to your hair and scalp type. Dry locks should be washed no more than 1-2 times a week, while oily hair ideally needs washing daily. If tap water is too hard, using special softening agents can help. For washing the hair, it's best to use cool or room temperature water.

"LeoDerm" Medical Center offers modern hair loss treatment methodologies in Lviv, utilizing certified and proven medications. Our specialists create an individualized treatment plan considering the patient's body peculiarities and examination results. We provide comprehensive consultations and grooming recommendations. Pleasant pricing, full confidentiality, mutual trust, and professional ethics are significant advantages in favor of "LeoDerm". We look forward to your visit!

Hair Loss
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Dermaheal HL 2,5 ml 8 процедур + повторна консультація лікаря трихолога
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Plasma therapy 4 procedures + repeated consultation with a trichologist
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Cryomassage of the hairy part of the head 10 procedures + repeated consultation of a trichologist
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