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Is it necessary to remove spider veins or isolated vessels from the wings of the nose? Cosmetic doctors do not recommend ignoring this issue. Despite the fact that couperose does not pose a health threat, it can lead to premature skin aging, pore enlargement and infection, and rosacea. Timely removal of vessels on the nose is a preventive measure against the spread of the network and the development of other dermatological problems.

What is couperose on the nose and what are its causes? 

Couperose, or dilated vessels on the nose, is a chronic condition characterized by visible capillaries and skin redness. Couperose develops due to the weakening of the vessel walls; capillaries expand under internal blood pressure and burst.

The causes of couperose are varied:

  • heredity;
  • various hormonal disorders arising from endocrine diseases or the use of medications;
  • climatic factors, such as exposure to ultraviolet rays, low temperatures, and wind;
  • bad habits that weaken capillary walls, such as smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • frequent visits to saunas or baths weaken the blood vessels;
  • harmful working conditions, such as contact with chemicals, dry or hot air;
  • improperly selected cosmetic care or its complete absence.

The risks of developing couperose significantly increase in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Menopause;
  • Overweight;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Capillaries may become visible due to home care procedures not following the manufacturer's or cosmetologist's instructions.

Stages of Couperose

Capillaries on the nose do not become visible immediately; the condition develops gradually and goes through four stages:

  1. Local irritation in the form of dryness and redness of the skin after contact with an irritant, with 1-2 capillaries becoming visible.
  2. Capillaries combine into a network or star shape, becoming well visible, but the skin in the affected area retains its natural color and condition.
  3. Chronic redness of the skin is added to the capillary network and dilated vessels.
  4. The size of the affected area increases, and due to impaired blood circulation, pale zones appear.

What to do when a capillary bursts on the nose?

If a capillary bursts on your nose, you should consult a cosmetic doctor for diagnosis, laser removal of couperose, and advice on preventing recurrence. Modern methods allow for quick and non-traumatic removal of red vessels on the nose. There are two gold standards for addressing the problem of dilated capillaries: laser removal and IPL therapy. Both methods of vessel removal are practiced at the LeoDerm clinic in Lviv.

Laser Removal of Couperose on the Nose

Pulsed lasers with a wavelength of 595 nm offer a quick and safe way to remove isolated dilated vessels or spider veins on the wings of the nose. How does it work? The laser beam penetrates to a specific depth and targets the vessel precisely. Under the influence of high temperature, the vessel coagulates (seals), making it invisible. The laser does not affect other adjacent tissues, does not heat them, and does not cause damage.

The Candela Vbeam Perfecta pulsed laser has several advantages:

  • quick results: removal of couperose with a laser after just one procedure;
  • no pain or discomfort during and after the procedure;
  • excellent aesthetic effect, leaving no scars or marks;
  • no age restrictions: can be used for elderly people and children.

The Candela Vbeam Perfecta laser completely eliminates the risk of skin pigmentation after the procedure.

IPL Therapy for the Removal of Couperose on the Nose

IPL technology is a non-invasive method for removing dilated vessels using a pulsed laser. The light generated by the laser beam is absorbed by hemoglobin, causing the tissues to heat up and the vessel to coagulate. Only local areas are heated, so there is no risk of damaging other tissues.

During IPL therapy, a slight burning sensation may be felt, but the laser has a cooling function, so there is no risk of burns or skin damage.

The advantages of IPL therapy include:

  •  visible results after the first session, although a course of 3-4 sessions is typically needed;
  • no preparatory or rehabilitation period;
  • rejuvenation of tissues that may have lost their elasticity due to impaired local blood flow;
  • minimal restrictions and contraindications.

The cosmetic doctors at LeoDerm clinic use a comprehensive approach to treating dilated vessels on the nose. They conduct diagnostics, and the patient receives recommendations regarding skin care, nutrition, and lifestyle. This approach ensures long-lasting results and minimizes the risk of recurrence. Schedule an appointment at LeoDerm clinic to achieve excellent aesthetic results and permanently eliminate skin imperfections.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.