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What are under-eye bags?

The loss of elasticity in the eye and eyelid area occurs due to the accumulation of fat deposits between cells and excess fluid. Puffy under-eye bags (eyelid hernias) can occur periodically (usually in the morning) or become a constant presence in a person's life. In such cases, the help of a cosmetic doctor is necessary, who will prescribe appropriate tests to rule out any pathology and determine the method to reduce puffiness.

Causes of under-eye bags

The appearance of this cosmetic defect is caused by a reduction in the production of collagen and elastin in the tissues, which is common in individuals over 30 years old. Besides age-related changes, the causes of under-eye bags may include the following:

  • Negative impact of ultraviolet rays - due to sun exposure, the dermis loses elasticity and flexibility, early wrinkles appear, accelerating the aging process;
  • Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep - the absence of proper rest and sleep leads to slowed metabolic processes in the epidermis and fluid retention;
  • Kidney disease, heart pathologies, liver dysfunction - swelling occurs due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the area of the lower eyelids;
  • Unbalanced diet - excessive intake of salt, spicy, fried foods leads to fluid retention in the body and swelling, especially when combined with alcohol;
  • Heredity - the formation of sagging can be caused by genetic factors and manifest even at an early age;
  • Allergic reaction - as a result of exposure to certain components in cosmetic products, perceived by the body as antigens leading to the production of antibodies;
  • Medications - some hormonal contraceptives may contribute to fluid retention and the appearance of swelling.

Under-eye bags in women and men

Sagging can trouble both women and men at any age. However, for the latter, the issue may be more relevant due to several objective reasons. Why do men have under-eye bags more often? It's due to relatively higher microcirculation activity in combination with weaker capillaries. Additionally, the formation of swelling can be caused by excessive stress, fluctuations in hormone levels, and unhealthy habits.

In women, this is most often hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle or before menopause, use of low-quality or expired cosmetics, improper diet leading to a deficiency in vitamin B5.

Swelling and bags under a child's eyes are caused by hereditary factors, excessive salt intake, increased pressure in capillaries due to prolonged crying. In certain cases, pathology may be present - such as inflammatory processes, mechanical trauma, conjunctivitis, styes, herpes, respiratory infections, or cardiovascular diseases. If any symptoms appear, it is important to immediately consult a specialist and initiate timely treatment.

How to get rid of under-eye bags?

Many people are interested in ways to remove under-eye puffiness. First of all, it's necessary to determine the nature of the problem and its severity. With mild swelling, simply eliminating salt from the diet can help get rid of excess fluid. Also, establishing a sleep routine and choosing appropriate cosmetics for daily skin care around the eyes can be beneficial.

How to get rid of under-eye bags? To eliminate this defect, it's necessary to undergo examination by a professional cosmetologist and follow an appropriate course of cosmetic procedures. Today, clients of any age are offered unique products based on polynucleotides such as Rejuran, Plinest, Plenhyage - the best remedy for under-eye bags and dark circles. These provide a rejuvenating effect and skin tightening. Through a course of injections, there is an activation of dermal renewal, collagen and elastin production, smoothing of wrinkles, and reduction of dark circles and puffiness. To achieve the desired result, the doctor may prescribe 3-4 procedures with a 2-3 week interval. The necessary amount of the substance and the injection schedule are determined during the consultation, taking into account individual body characteristics.

To restore a lifted appearance to facial skin, an apparatus massage with microcurrents can be beneficial. This procedure works by applying gentle electrical impulses to the problematic area, reducing puffiness, restoring microcirculation, and bringing back skin elasticity. Microcurrents aid in metabolic restoration, stimulating collagen production, and reducing under-eye puffiness and discoloration. During the therapy, a weak current (ranging from 10 to 600 μA) is used, providing a gentle impact on the problematic area without any discomfort to the client. Microcurrent therapy is a completely painless method that requires no recovery period. A full course typically consists of 7-10 sessions conducted every 3 days.

In modern cosmetic procedures, SMAS lifting is also used as an effective method for under-eye bags utilizing ultrasound. This procedure involves device-driven impact on the deeper layers, resulting in the tightening of the skin around the eyes. As a result, the defect disappears, and the face gains a fresher and well-groomed appearance. Doctors recommend SMAS lifting sessions every 8-12 months.

In the fight against under-eye bags, Endolift also aids in non-surgical skin tightening and rejuvenation. This procedure involves using laser radiation to break down excess fat, eliminating deformation, and increasing the elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

Among innovative methods for tackling this cosmetic issue, Feijia Pure Collagen medical product stands out, based on recombinant human-type collagen. Following injections, the natural generation process of collagen fibers is restored, wrinkles are smoothed, and the area around the eyes becomes denser. Noticeable results can be observed after the first session. The subsequent procedures are carried out at intervals of 2 weeks, followed by two more sessions with intervals of 4 and 6 weeks, respectively. A full treatment course consists of 4 sessions.

How to permanently remove under-eye bags? Blepharoplasty is a modern method for surgically removing excess fat and skin in the lower eyelids. Under local anesthesia, the doctor makes a fine incision below the lash line and then applies dissolvable stitches after the operation. Blepharoplasty smoothens the skin of the lower eyelids, tightens muscles, and corrects deep folds. Within a week after the procedure, it's advisable to avoid strain on the eyes, wearing contact lenses, and engaging in sports. The rehabilitation period takes approximately 10-14 days.

Prevention of under-eye bags

Dark circles and puffy under-eye bags are a cosmetic issue that can be avoided. Doctors recommend reducing sun exposure, using protective creams, avoiding smoking, maintaining a proper sleep routine, and minimizing intake of salt, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages. Regular exercise and increased water intake also contribute to improved blood circulation and the elimination of excess fluid.

What to do to get rid of under-eye bags? The "LeoDerm" Medical Center in Lviv offers modern methods to eliminate dark circles and puffiness around the eyes using certified equipment and treatments. Our cosmetic doctors provide professional consultations, examinations, and prescribe effective therapies. Reach out to "LeoDerm," and your face will retain its beauty and youthfulness for a long time.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.