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So, what are papillomas, and should they be removed? Doctors and cosmetologists from the Lviv-based LeoDerm clinic provide their insights.

What Do Papillomas on the Neck Look Like?

Papillomas are benign growths of epithelial cells ranging in size from 1 mm to 2 cm. They can be entirely unnoticeable if they are skin-colored, though in some cases, they may have more pronounced pigmentation, ranging from beige to brown.

In terms of shape and texture, these are soft, loose formations that either closely adhere to the skin, slightly protruding above its surface (immobile), or have a thin stalk (referred to as mobile or filiform). The second type tends to cause more discomfort as it is more prone to injury.

The growths can be solitary or form clusters of several. On the face, they most commonly appear on the eyelids, while on the body, they are often found in the armpits or on the inner thighs.

Papillomas are usually removed for aesthetic reasons, but if they are frequently injured, a doctor may recommend the procedure for medical reasons. Frequently injured growths can become inflamed or infected.

How to Differentiate a Papilloma from a Wart?

Any dermatological issue should not be ignored: skin growths need to be examined, and self-treatment is strongly discouraged. A lack of knowledge in classifying skin growths and using incorrect treatments can cause harm and lead to complications. For instance, warts and papillomas are entirely different diagnoses. Despite their visual similarities, they have three main differences:

  1. Warts have clear edges, a rough surface, and a firm consistency. Papillomas, on the other hand, are soft, loose, and lack well-defined contours.
  2. Warts are more commonly found on the soles of the feet, fingers, and elbows (areas with firmer skin). Papillomas tend to “choose” more delicate and sensitive areas such as the chest, eyelids, and armpits.
  3. A key distinguishing feature is the stalk: warts are tightly attached to the skin, while papillomas often have a thin stalk.

What unites these two types of growths is their cause — HPV (human papillomavirus). It’s important to note that a person can be a carrier without showing any symptoms. Growths appear as a result of various triggers.

Now that you know how papillomas and warts look, you can consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis, identification of the virus that caused them, and their removal.

Causes of Papillomas on the Neck

The human papillomavirus (HPV) includes over 100 strains, each of which triggers the development of specific types of growths. It is important to understand that surgical and laser treatment of papillomas on the neck does not affect the virus itself but only removes its visible manifestation.
Adults are the most frequent visitors to dermatologists with concerns about removing papillomas on the neck, while such cases are rarely diagnosed in children. The most common causes of these growths include:

  • Genetic predisposition. If there are cases of papillomas in the family history, the likelihood of their appearance is significantly higher.
  • Chronic skin irritation. This can be caused by a necklace, clothing, or another item that consistently comes into contact with the same area of skin.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Papillomas often appear in pregnant women or during menopause. They can also be triggered by endocrine disorders, the use of hormonal medications, or other drugs.
  • Insulin resistance. Individuals with this condition, in which the body’s cells become less sensitive to insulin (such as those with diabetes or metabolic syndrome), are at greater risk.
  • Age-related changes. As the body ages, its immune defenses weaken, making it more vulnerable to viruses. For this reason, papillomas are commonly seen in older people. In such cases, treatment is essential because the risk of injury is higher, and the healing process is slower.

Excess weight, poor personal hygiene, immunodeficiency conditions, and harmful habits can also provoke the formation of papillomas.

How to Remove Papillomas on the Neck?

At the LeoDerm Clinic in Lviv, after a consultation, you will be offered the most suitable method for removing papillomas on the neck. When choosing the method, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the growth, its location, and the patient’s health condition. The treatment of this condition can be performed by a surgeon or a dermatologist.


Diathermocoagulation is a method for removing papillomas using high-frequency electrical current. During the procedure, the current heats the tissues, causing protein coagulation and destruction of the growths. This method is suitable for both single and multiple papillomas. The procedure is typically quick and performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort.

Key advantages of the method:

  • no risk of damaging healthy tissues;
  • quick healing (approximately 7–10 days);
  • no visible scars, marks, or other signs of the procedure.


Cryodestruction is a modern method for removing papillomas using liquid nitrogen. During the procedure, the growth is exposed to extremely low temperatures, which leads to freezing and destruction of its tissues. The method is painless or causes minimal discomfort, as the cooling blocks nerve endings. After the procedure, a scab forms at the site of the papilloma, which gradually peels off and completely disappears within 7–10 days. Cryodestruction is suitable for papillomas on the face, body, and other delicate areas, minimizing the risk of scarring.

Laser Removal of Papillomas

Laser removal of papillomas is a modern, effective, and safe method for eliminating skin growths. The laser beam targets the papilloma, vaporizing its tissues layer by layer without damaging the surrounding skin. The procedure is quick, usually performed under local anesthesia, making it virtually painless. The laser has an antiseptic effect, reducing the risk of infection. After the procedure, a small scab forms at the site of the papilloma, which falls off in a few days, leaving no scars. This method is suitable for any area of the skin.

Based on the initial examination, the doctor may choose one method or combine them.

The key to achieving a good aesthetic result is not only the professionalism of the doctor but also strict adherence to the recovery recommendations. This will reduce the risks of scarring, infection, and inflammation.

General recommendations for patients after papilloma removal:

  • treat the surface with the prescribed medications, without replacing them with others on your own;
  • avoid using cosmetics or undergoing cosmetic procedures for a certain period;
  • avoid triggers that could lead to infection or injury;
  • protect the treated skin area from UV exposure, temperature, etc.

These are general guidelines. If you are undergoing papilloma removal at the LeoDerm clinic in Lviv, the doctor will provide personalized advice for the recovery period.

Prevention of Papillomas

It is important to know that the human papillomavirus (HPV) is not curable. In carriers, it can remain latent, showing no symptoms. Prevention of papillomas is aimed at reducing the risk of HPV infection and strengthening the immune system. The main measures include:

  1. Personal hygiene. Avoid using shared towels, manicure tools, or other personal items. Wash your hands after visiting public places.
  2. Protection during sexual contact. Use barrier methods of contraception and avoid frequent changes of partners.
  3. Vaccination. The HPV vaccine effectively protects against the most dangerous strains of the virus.
  4. Immune support. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, stress reduction, adequate sleep, and avoiding harmful habits help strengthen the body’s defenses.
  5. Avoid skin injuries.
  6. Timely treatment of other conditions — chronic infections, hormonal disorders, viruses, etc.

Regular medical check-ups. Early detection of papillomas reduces the risk of their spread and complications. For consultation and safe removal of growths, contact the LeoDerm clinic.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.