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Causes of rosacea

The exact causes of the pathology are still unknown. Previously, the causative agent of the disease was considered to be demodicosis (skin mite), but currently, specialists tend to believe that external and internal factors contribute to the condition. Let's consider in more detail.

External factors contributing to the onset of rosacea include:

  • Negative dietary habits - frequent consumption of spicy foods, dishes with a large amount of spices, hot drinks, alcohol abuse;
  • Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Strong wind;
  • Regular exposure to high or low temperatures;
  • Intensive physical exertion;
  • Stress;
  • Taking corticosteroid medications, certain other drugs;
  • Cosmetic products containing hormones;
  • Living in a region with a complex climate.

Internal causes include endocrine disorders, immune system issues, neurovegetative and microcirculatory disorders, functional insufficiency of peripheral blood supply, hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy or menopause), psychoneurotic disorders, among the symptoms of which are anxiety, irritability, constant tension, sleep problems. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is important to eliminate all negative factors.

Another reason is considered to be genetic predisposition. In some patients with rosacea, there are relatives with this condition in their medical history. This is associated with the specificity of vessel structure and the characteristics of the functioning of certain body systems. It is worth noting that the condition most often affects women, slightly less frequently men, aged 30-50 years, who have fair skin, while rosacea in children is extremely rare.

Symptoms and stages of rosacea

The main symptoms of rosacea are skin redness, flaking, spider veins, pimples, and acne. Depending on the stage of the disease, the manifestations vary. The specifics of treatment also differ, but we'll discuss that later. 

You already know what rosacea looks like. Now, briefly about how it develops. The body produces an excessive amount of antimicrobial peptides and alarmants, which weaken the blood vessels, causing persistent erythema. After a while, an inflammatory process begins, accompanied by papules and pustules. Next, we'll delve into each stage of rosacea development in more detail.

Erythematous. Hyperemia, appearance of spider veins, networks that last for several days. The localization of rosacea couperose is the forehead, nose, cheeks, and less commonly the chest area. 

Vascular. Exacerbation of symptoms occurs: erythema becomes more prolonged, the skin takes on a characteristic bluish tint, swelling appears, and redness spreads to the eyelids. 

Papulopustular. Papules and pustules of various shapes appear in addition to progressing erythema. Localization: nose, nasolabial folds, eventually - chin, forehead. Symptoms last for several weeks, accompanied by itching, skin flaking. 

Edema. Rosacea is localized in the central part of the face. The patient is also concerned about erythema. In men, the shape and color of the nose often change (it becomes bluish). 

Papulonodular. There are more eruptions, they merge, forming nodules. The dermis is uneven, with pits of round, oval, triangular shapes, dry, tight, with eye tearing. In this case, treatment will be prolonged, but the disease can be overcome.

In advanced cases, rosacea can occur on the legs, back, eyelids, and sometimes it can cause other diseases.

Have the symptoms mentioned above been bothering you for more than 3 months? It is important to visit a dermatologist immediately and start rosacea treatment quickly before the condition becomes severe.

How to treat rosacea?

The protocol for treating rosacea involves a comprehensive approach to addressing the manifestations of the problem.

To understand how to combat rosacea on the face or other parts of the body, the doctor first conducts an examination, familiarizes themselves with the patient's clinical picture of the disease, prescribes laboratory tests to finally confirm the diagnosis, and exclude concomitant pathologies: skin scrapings, examination of the fluid composition in pustules, blood analysis to determine markers of systemic connective tissue diseases.

Depending on the cause of rosacea development, in most cases, treatment begins with medications: antibiotics, creams, gels, ointments with anti-inflammatory action, antihistamines, soothing agents.

In addition to medications, the dermatologist will offer the patient therapeutic-cosmetological procedures that can accelerate the healing process. Botox is considered effective in this case.

During rosacea treatment with Botox, a more concentrated solution of BTX is injected into the active muscle than during standard wrinkle correction procedures.

How to treat rosacea on the face with Botox? Botulinum toxin is used to treat erythema and telangiectasias (spider veins) that do not respond to traditional treatment and IPL therapy. The use of botulinum toxin preparations (BTX) is clinically effective, safe, and well-tolerated. 

The action of the drug is as follows: during the injection of purified natural protein, facial muscles relax, and the skin is moisturized.

Advantages of Botox:

  1. Minimization of the quantity and intensity of redness by blocking nerve signals that cause the dilation of blood vessels.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties. By softening inflammation through moisturizing the dermis, Botox controls the appearance of redness and breakouts.
  3. Smoothing of the skin texture. Injections make the dermis more taut, preventing the formation of new wrinkles and reducing the visibility of existing imperfections.

It is best to start botulinum therapy after completing the intake of medications for treating rosacea. This way, unwanted side effects can be avoided. Subcutaneous injection of BTX has proven efficacy in patients with persistent erythema, especially those who cannot apply topical treatments daily. Injections are administered once every 3-4 months. 

Before starting rosacea treatment on the face with Botox, it is important to consult a dermatologist to exclude contraindications, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, active-phase skin infections, pathologies associated with blood clotting, etc. For more information, consult with a dermatologist.

A disadvantage of using Botox for this condition is the pain associated with the method, as injections are administered in sensitive areas: the nose, central areas of the cheeks. Local anesthesia before the administration of BTX partially addresses this issue. The effect occurs within 4-14 days after the session.

Skin care for rosacea

Above, we mentioned that home care plays an important role in combating rosacea at any stage. Of course, the dermatologist will select the best care products for your skin type, but you need to learn regular and thorough care yourself. Main stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin, micellar water removes all makeup from the face. Foam, gel, mousse deeply cleanse the skin from excess oil, dirt, minimizing the risk of new inflammatory foci.
  2. Toning. Toners shrink pores, refresh, soothe, and dry out eruptions.
  3. Moisturizing. With rosacea, the skin can be dry and accompanied by flaking, so it's worth using a gentle moisturizer in the morning and evening.
  4. UV protection. SPF is indispensable in sunny seasons; it protects against redness and should be applied 10 minutes before going out.

There are also a number of restrictions that dermatologists recommend patients with rosacea adhere to in order to cure it: avoiding visits to saunas, steam rooms, tanning beds, traveling to hot or cold countries, excluding spicy food from the diet, limiting physical exertion.

Now you know what rosacea is, its symptoms, stages of the disease, treatment methods, and care nuances. If you are currently only planning to start fighting this facial condition, we recommend that you contact the LeoDerm Medical Center. We guarantee effective and affordable treatment with the best specialists. Look for contact information to schedule a consultation on the main page of the website. Welcome!

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
If you experience symptoms of an illness, please consult a doctor.