Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common dermatological diseases in children. This is a chronic, non-infectious skin disease that is manifested by dryness, itching and inflammation of the skin. The most important reason for the development of atopic dermatitis is genetically based disorders of the skin composition. The natural protective and barrier functions are disturbed, the skin becomes more vulnerable and loses a lot of water.
In the case of improper treatment, atopic dermatitis often progresses to the next stage of the disease - neurodermatitis, and eventually to eczema, which often requires hospitalization in an inpatient unit. Almost all children with atopic dermatitis suffer from allergies, and often from bronchial asthma.|
The skin is dry, cracks appear over time, sometimes with wetting. Rashes itch, so children scratch their skin uncontrollably, often at night. The most typical places for rashes in atopic dermatitis are the hands, elbows and popliteal fossa, back of the neck, cheeks (especially in babies, often called "diathesis"), abdomen and lower back.
During scratching, an infection is often introduced, the skin becomes red and inflamed. Atopic dermatitis has a cyclic course, in which periods of exacerbation and improvement (remission) are noted.
These drugs relieve inflammation and itching of the skin. Antibiotics are used when an infection is introduced during scratching. The main direction of treatment and prevention of atopic dermatitis is the use of moisturizing cream (emollient). Moisturizers provide a level of protection against irritants, retain moisture in the skin, help restore the skin's barrier function and improve the appearance of the skin. Regular hydration reduces the need for other medications.
One of the most modern and effective methods of treating severe and widespread forms of atopic dermatitis, which is actively used by leading clinics, is narrow-spectrum UVB phototherapy - the method is available in our clinic.
Recommended preparations for the treatment and care of the skin for atopic dermatitis should not contain glycerin and alcohol.
Atopic dermatitis is a serious disease that can lead to unwanted complications, including skin suppuration, neurological disorders, and bronchial asthma.
We recommend not to engage in self-medication and seek advice from specialists. Do not risk your health and the health of your loved ones. Highly qualified specialists of our clinic will select the most optimal treatment for you, which will significantly speed up the recovery process.