Let's start by dispelling several myths about thrush (vaginal candidiasis). Firstly, this disease occurs not only in sexually active women, it can occur even in a child. Secondly, candidiasis is not only a female disease, men also suffer from it, although much less often.
Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is a disease of the reproductive system caused by the Candida fungus. Normally, the Candida fungus is part of the microflora of the vagina, but under the influence of adverse factors, it begins to multiply actively, which provokes the appearance of symptoms of thrush in women.
Factors that can become a trigger for the development of thrush:
The most striking and characteristic symptom of thrush (vaginal candidiasis) is the appearance of specific discharge from the vagina. The secretions resemble cheese diluted with water, that is, they have the appearance of peculiar white lumps and a specific sour smell. Discharge increases in the evening, as well as after taking a bath and sexual contact.
The second specific symptom of thrush in women is itching and burning in the vagina and labia.
With candidiasis, swelling and redness of the external genitalia can be observed. Irritation creates discomfort when going to the toilet, sexual intercourse.
However, thrush does not always have such pronounced symptoms, sometimes the disease proceeds latently or has smoothed symptoms that do not cause noticeable discomfort. In general, the disease clearly manifests itself a week before menstruation.
However, if the disease is not detected in time (this can be done by a gynecologist during a routine examination) and treatment measures are not taken, then vaginal candidiasis can turn into a chronic form. Chronic thrush is much more difficult to cure, besides, it can cause complications on other organs and systems.
Milk thistle can mask such sexually transmitted infections as:
You should not engage in self-diagnosis and buy advertised pills from thrush. Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are very similar to typical manifestations of other sexually transmitted diseases. Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis after conducting all the necessary tests.
In addition, in order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor will need facts from your personal life, so try to be as frank as possible, because the information received from you will not leave the office, and it will help the specialist assess the situation more accurately.
Yes, in addition to the symptoms of the disease that you have manifested, the gynecologist will be interested in whether you have recently taken antibiotics or used douching, the number of your sexual partners, whether your partner has symptoms, what contraceptives you use. The doctor may also inquire about the specifics of your menstrual cycle: when your periods started and ended, whether there were any disruptions or delays.
All the questions described above refer to the stage of anamnesis collection. The next stage is an examination on a gynecological chair and taking a smear from the vagina and cervix.
In order to differentiate the type of fungus, a bakposov (bacterial culture of a smear on a nutrient medium) is performed. This method allows you to determine the type of pathogen and, accordingly, prescribe the most effective drug.
As already mentioned above, thrush can develop together with other sexually transmitted diseases, so it will not be superfluous to pass comprehensive PCR tests for genital diseases, blood tests for ELISA and RIF studies.
With multiple recurrences of candidiasis, a blood sugar test is mandatory to rule out the possibility of developing diabetes.
In some cases, the gynecologist may refer the patient to a gastroenterologist for consultation or prescribe the following types of examination: analysis for dysbacteriosis, ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal cavity, co-program, FGS.
Untreated, chronic thrush can cause a number of unpleasant and quite dangerous complications, such as:
Not to mention that vaginal candidiasis can significantly worsen the quality of intimate relationships.
Repeat visit to the gynecologist
It is worth visiting the gynecological office again if:
As already mentioned above, it is impossible to subjectively determine by sensations and symptoms whether it is thrush or some other disease of the reproductive system.
Unqualified selection of drugs (on the advice of a mother, friend, pharmacist, advertisement), too short courses of therapy lead to the fact that an easy-to-treat disease turns into a chronic condition and becomes your eternal problem that appears at the most inopportune moment.
Unsystematic and incorrect intake of tablets from thrush leads to a decrease in their effectiveness and, accordingly, to an extension of the treatment period. In addition, antifungal agents have a lot of side effects, contraindications, their incorrect use can lead to complications. Only a gynecologist knows how to treat thrush in women. Do not self-medicate!
Treatment of thrush (vaginal candidiasis) is carried out with the help of two groups of drugs.
Preparations for local use: candles from thrush, creams and ointments. They are used for mild forms of the disease. The drugs act directly in the environment where the fungus reproduces and quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.
Drugs of general action have a systemic effect on the entire body. They are used in severe cases of vaginal candidiasis or to treat its chronic form.
Treatment of chronic thrush usually lasts several months and includes therapy of possible concomitant diseases, general strengthening vitamin therapy.
It is not only the woman who has consulted a doctor who needs to be treated for thrush, her sexual partner must also undergo antifungal therapy, because he can be a carrier of the disease or, conversely, get infected from a woman (often men have thrush without visible symptoms). In the event that only one partner undergoes treatment, the symptoms of the disease return very quickly.
You can undergo treatment for thrush in Lviv at the Leoderm clinic. Experienced doctors will be able to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and prescribe effective candida treatment that will help you forget about this disease once and for all.
When alarming symptoms appear, urgently go to an eye consultation with a gynecologist and pass all prescribed tests. Health to you!